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Dog sledding in St Martin de Belleville

Activity - France , St-Martin de Belleville

Ref: TGS-AC105

*For any reservation through our concierge service, there is an admin fee which is charged in advance. The admin fee is non refundable and it is not any substitute of any other pre-payment in the invoice of our partners.


Organization of the activity

The activity takes place in St Martin de Belleville , Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Weekends are dog days off .


 To our knowledge, there are no medical contraindications for this activity , the most difficult thing is to come and join us on foot. Activity open from 0 to 100 years old . Pregnant women ( without pathological pregnancy) are welcome, and young children too . To avoid disruption to our dogs or incidents, your animals are not allowed during the activity.


It is important that you are properly equipped for the mountains : hat, gloves, glasses, warm shoes. Consider taking a blanket for children under 3 years old .


The activity is carried out subject to weather conditions .

Automatic cancellation in case of rain , I will call you by phone and you will be refunded (full refund). The musher in charge of your sled is the only one who can judge the feasibility of the trip.

Snow is generally not a problem and does not normally cause cancellation of the activity. Conversely, in the event of a lack of snow, a proposal for a Wheeled Sleigh ride will be offered to you by telephone and you can decide to maintain or cancel.

The weeks of March after the school holidays are always uncertain when it comes to continuing the activity, due to temperatures that are too hot for the dogs or the lack of snow. I invite you to contact me the week before to see if the activity takes place and then make your reservation.

To avoid cancellation problems in March currently reservations are not yet open.


Our activities start on time, please make arrangements to be punctual , as any delay will shorten the duration of your activities . Any activity with animals requires involvement on their part. Their well-being is our priority , so two services that are identical on paper can vary in the field depending on the weather conditions and the shape of the dogs.

People will be able, if they wish, to assist in putting the dogs in harness , exclusively for the 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. rotations ( plan to arrive 30 minutes before ). In March after the school holidays, these times change to 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Make an appointment the evening before, to receive the GPS point of the different meeting place.
cancellation conditions at your convenience:

– 50% is refunded if you cancel between 14 days and until the Friday evening preceding the start of the scheduled activity;

– 90% is refunded to you if you cancel 15 days or more from the start of the activity: 10% remains due to the structure, corresponding to reservation costs (secretarial, software, bank charges, etc.);

– 100% will be refunded to you if the activity is canceled by our structure for reasons beyond your control (dangerous conditions, etc.).
In the event of absence or delay on your part making the service impossible, no reimbursement will be made (car breakdown, lack of anticipation of road conditions, date error, etc.).


Following the explanations provided during reception or before departure of the service, please tell me everything that seems useful to you for your safety and comfort . Courtesy remains the driving force behind any leisure activity. I apply this behavior and will be keen to satisfy you . Any breach of this rule as well as the safety rules indicated by the supervisor would entail the responsibility of its author .
Mushers cannot be held responsible for the criminal or malicious acts of participants who act under their own responsibility.
Reckless personal initiatives falling outside the scope of the instructions resulting in bodily injury or material damage will be held responsible for their author.

In order to ensure the safety of our customers and to preserve the safety, protection and well-being of our animals in the event of major circumstances and in particular due to possible weather hazards, we reserve the right to change the progress of our activities , to change site , to offer a replacement activity, to suspend or cancel the activity, you will obviously be notified.

The supervising professional musher, is the only one to make decisions that involve your safety and that of the group in general.

*Required fields
* I have read and accept the terms and conditions. ( Conditions ).
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+33 (0) 648 070 136
+34 629 617 976


Our attention phones:

  • Spain: +34 951 204 417
  • France: +33 (0) 975 17 08 36
  • Switzerland: +41 44 508 33 58

email: info@alpcourchevel.com